Saving orangutans by Dr Carla Litchfield

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Black Dog Books, 2012. ISBN 9781742031460.
(Ages 7+) Recommended. Non fiction. Endangered species. Another in the fine series, Rare Earth, this book by acclaimed conservation psychologist at ZooSA, Dr Carla Litchfield, will involve, delight and inform all of its readers. Starting on the first page, the family tree outlines just where they stand in the family of mammals, and their closeness to humans, sharing 97% of our DNA. Each double page has several beautiful large photographs of these majestic animals, along with a paragraph of so of information.
The information is most interesting, based on Dr Litchfield's observations and study, and are fascinating to read and digest. Sometimes several sentences are written in bold print, to underline the importance of that piece of information. For a reader wanting to find out information about the mammal this is a valuable first book. It is hampered however by not having a contents page, which may restrict some younger students in their research, but an astute teacher, parent or teacher librarian will be able to point out the value of this book as a tool for research, using the index, as well as a book to read simply out of interest. The last four pages show the reader just how they can help and explains the significance of the recycled paper logo often seen in books.
The usefulness of the book is increased by a series of web addresses for further research, a glossary as well as several paragraphs containing more information. One in the series which also includes Saving pandas, Saving tigers and Saving Tasmanian Devils, the books fill a niche supplying succinct and fascinating information to the younger reader.
Fran Knight