How to measure the ocean by Inda Ahmad Zahri

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Surgical doctor and scuba diver Inda Ahmad Zahri, author of Salih a CBCA Notable Book for Picture Book of the Year 2022, has created a challenging and thought-provoking picture book. How to Measure the Ocean combines nature, Science, the Mathematics strand of Measurement, and a child’s curiosity, in a beautifully illustrated and intriguing publication.

The book begins with the following words and then shows a world map with oceans, half-oceans, once-oceans and oceans in-between.

The ocean can be difficult to measure.
You can’t lift it onto scales to see how heavy it is.
You can’t tie a string around it to see how wide it grows.
You might be able to scoop it out, cup by cup…
…but you’d need a very big bucket to calculate its volume.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try.
You can work most things out…
once you know what you’re measuring.

 Throughout the book, mathematical terminology is used including number lines, straight lines, corners and curves, shapes and forms, time, temperature, dimensions, add, divide and multiply, equations, formula, theorem. An important fact, the ocean is never wasted, is clearly shown in a labelled diagram using scientific language which may lead to further discussion and research.

On the final page is a letter to the reader with two messages. One message encourages them to think about things like the ocean which are difficult to measure. The second message is to use words such as courage, kindness, and friendship, in place of the word ocean and see where the deeper thinking can lead.

Themes: Oceans, Marine Life, Measurement, Mathematics, Science, Feelings.

Kathryn Beilby
