Creature corridors by Billie Rooney. Illus. by Anke Noack

As the human world continues to encroach, raze and build on the natural environment of both native Australian plants and animals, it becomes a dangerous place for creatures to live and move about safely. This newly released book, Creature Corridors, carefully tells the story of what needs to be done in order to allow our animal life to continue to thrive and share their environment with the human population.
Written as a factual narrative, this debut picture book written by author Billie Rooney, is an interesting and informative book explaining the term ‘creature corridor’ in clear and accessible text. For younger readers it is an engaging introduction to the needs of the animals to move around to find food, to breed and seek shelter. There is information about the different types of wildlife corridors already established in the form of metal, concrete or rope bridges, tunnels, newly planted trees, free flowing rivers and the pulling down of fences to allow animals access to safe areas.
The detailed full page illustrations are both colourful and striking in their detail and add to the message of the story. The shared information in the final pages about Wildlife Corridors and the Corridors in the story are valuable for further background information and research. There is a simple glossary perfectly pitched at this age group. An excellent book about a topic that may be unfamiliar to many children and adults.
Teacher notes: Creature Corridors, Billie Rooney, Anke Noack, 9781486318100
Themes: Conservation, Biodiversity, Habitat loss, Creature Corridors, Environmental issues.
Kathryn Beilby