Changes by Anthony Browne

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Walker Books, 2008. ISBN: 9781406313390
(Ages 5+ )When his father leaves to fetch Joseph's mother, he says everything is going to change. Whilst he is away, Joseph ponders what his father means. As he moves around the house, nothing is quite as it was before his father left.
Anthony Browne is the master of his trade. Without his illustrations, Browne's stories are relatively simplistic yet revolve around themes important to the life of the young child. With the addition of his illustrations, however, they contain a whole new dimension and can be pored over for hours as the reader searches for the new and unusual things portrayed therein. The surrealistic style Browne uses in most of his work is perfect for this book, as the everyday things in Joseph's home are transformed into the weird and wonderful.
This title is suited to use with younger children preparing for additions to the family but also in units of work which focus on the acceptance of any type of change. By reading only to the point at which Joseph goes into his room and turns off the light, children can be encouraged to predict where they think the mother has been and discuss changes which have occurred in their own lives.
As with all of Browne's work, this is another wonderful title!
Jo Schenkel